Mentorship program summary, academic year 2021-2022

One of the key programs organized annually by the Luong Van Can fund is Mentorship. Each student will be connected with a Mentor in the same field as part of the program’s framework. A mentor is a guide who assists students in their study, career development, and personal growth. Through tasks and monthly meetings, students can establish rapport with mentors they can share with and learn from. It also facilitates students’ mindset, attitude, skill and knowledge development.

The mentorship program for the 2021-2022 academic year ended with 326 meetings between Mentors and mentees throughout the year. More than 518 hours of labor have aided the students in gaining more experience in solving daily problems and honing their resilience on the path of self-development. Participants have given the program favorable feedback with the desire to expand the meeting space with the mentor and elevate the meeting’s quality with more in-depth topics.

This year, the program reformed with the Cross-Meeting activity which allowed students to connect with and receive advice from other mentors in the Luong Van Can Fund network, resulting in more novel experiences. The 2021-2022 Mentorship – Companion Program has been filled with meaningful memories for LVCF students. Each student’s development is a measure of the program’s success. Based on the contributions from both students and mentors, the Mentorship program will further progress in the upcoming years to meet the Luong Van Can Fund’s goal of “training people, fostering sustainable development.”